(Reynolds Journalism Institute) — Both Google and Facebook have created – and continue to develop – tools to help journalists, including those in the smallest news organizations, do better work, improve workflow issues and track results.
Plan now to join your peers April 6 to 8 at the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute on the beautiful campus of the University of Missouri in Columbia. During this latest edition of the Walter B. Potter Sr. Conferences you’ll learn how community news organizations – weeklies, small dailies and their websites – can reach deeper into their audiences, and grow their audience with new opportunities created with tools from Google and Facebook.
From Google you’ll learn how to use: Search for journalists; Public Data Explorer; Scholar for journalists; Google Maps for journalists; Street View 360 for journalists; and Live streaming for journalists.
From Facebook you’ll learn: How News Feed works; Best practices for Facebook Live; How to get access to Facebook’s partner portal; Where to find online resources to train others in your newsroom; The pros and cons of pages and profiles; and More about what the Facebook Journalism Project is doing for local newsrooms.
Hands-on social media training Saturday afternoon. Leave with a new Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat page for your organization. Deadline to request training is March 15, pre-registration is required.