by From: MediaPost


A Nielsen Scarborough study measured U.S. newspaper readership and found that more than 169 million adults read a newspaper in print, on a Web site or on a mobile app in a month in 2016.

In total, newspapers reach 69% of the U.S. population each month.

According to the study, 81% of monthly newspaper readers engage with a print product. Some 51% read print exclusively.

The remaining 49% reads a newspaper on at least one digital platform, with 30% reading both digital and print.

Only 5% gets their news from a Web site exclusively.

Traditionally, newspaper audiences tend to be more educated, affluent and older than non-newspaper readers, according to Nielsen. While the first two traits continue to be true, the expansion of digital media has attracted younger readers. As a result, the ages of newspaper readers more closely reflect the general population.

For example, millennials make up 25% of the U.S. population and now represent 24% of the total monthly newspaper readership.

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