By: The editors of Media Life
From: Media Life Magazine

This article is part of an ongoing Media Life series entitled “The bigger story on America’s Millennials.” You can read previous stories by clicking here.


Millennials don’t read newspapers.

We hear it all the time. But we tend to forget that neither did their parents, or their grandparents when they were young — young people eschewing newspapers is not a new phenomenon.

Young people need a reason to read. Once they’ve become engaged, they, like past generations, are more likely to become regular readers.

Years ago, people took up reading the newspaper as they bought homes and sent children off to school and began paying local taxes. They turned to newspapers because there was nowhere else to get information of value to homeowners and parents with an investment in their communities.

The real challenge today, as opposed to 25 or 50 years ago, is grabbing the attention of adults 18-34 amidst all the many other things fighting for their eyes and ears, such as social media, video games, Netflix binging and texting.

But some innovative newspapers are trying, and they’re coming up with some smart programs and ideas.

It’s not clear whether they’ve all worked – most are too recent to gauge – but at least the papers are making an effort.

Offer sections (and apps) targeted to their interests

Though 18-34s may use different technology than past generations, they’re still experiencing the same rites of passage, such as college graduations, first jobs, marriages and buying first homes.

Papers that speak directly to those experiences have a better chance of drawing readers.

Example: The Sarasota Herald-Tribune launched an app called unRavel that features news and information of interest to Millennials, such as the best places to eat and drink in different neighborhoods.


To view the entire article on Media Life Magazine, please click here. 

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