From Mark Maassen, MPA Executive Director


One issue that was brought up during the recently completed session of the Missouri state legislature is the timeliness of the postings of public notices to our statewide website. NewzGroup is the company that is archiving our legal ads and public notices. If at all possible, please send your newspaper digitally to them. This will help get your newspaper’s legal notices up on our statewide site more quickly.

The statewide site can be found here:

Listed below is contact information for Lee Brooks, who is with NewzGroup and is helping us update our list of newspapers uploading their digital copies to the public notice website: Lee Brooks Phone: 1-512-472-7299 Toll Free: 1-855-472-7299

Public notice ads 

The Missouri Press Association has a series of Public Notice ads available that help inform your readership about the importance of keeping public notices in the newspaper. These ads are available in color and black-and-white online here:

Other Public Notice resources, such as a searchable database and index of legal requirements, are also available through the MPA website.

Looking for the Training Videos?

They are located in the navigation menu under Training Lab > Training Videos.